How are you going to spend your days?

Entrepreneurial Compass

“You only have a limited number of days left on this planet; how are you going to spend them?”

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. What  impact am I having on my personal and business life?

2. What impact do I want to be having in my personal and business life?

3. What activities do I need to remove, change, or adopt to have the impact I want to be having in my personal and business life?

Entreprenuer CompassThere’s a direct correlation between the success of a person’s business and the state of their family and personal life. There are four things to consider as you make your decisions….

What is the cost of doing this?

What is the cost of NOT doing this?

How will the decision I am making advance my cause?

How will this decision I’m making set me back?

Remember, there’s no status quo in life or business; you’re either advancing (going up) or being set back (going down), and which direction you move in depends on the decisions you’re making. 

Your life is a by-product of you’re doing.

What you are doing in your life is based on an allegiance or loyalty.

Your allegiance or loyalties are based on motivation.

Your motivation are based squarely on a determinism.

As with almost everything in life, it’s easier said than done. The answer is often hiding in plain sight–we just need to adjust or widen our vision a bit. 

So, where are you going and how are you going to get from here to there! Write it down and put action into play.

Let’s go get it!

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